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Who We Are

With over 50 years of history, the Sportsman's Club of Charlotte is the longest standing club dedicated to the enjoyment of sports in Charlotte. The club was founded by a group of community leaders with the purpose of bringing outstanding and well-known individuals in the world of sports to speak to the club concerning their life and experiences in their careers.  It is also interesting to note that no members of the press are in attendance which has allowed guest speakers a degree of latitude which both they and the members have enjoyed.


The Sportsman's Club typically meets on Tuesday nights once a month from September through May, with the exception of December. There are typically 8 events per season.  The last meeting of the year, is the club's annual Ladies Night. Wives or significant others are invited for this special evening with a guest speaker.


Club meetings are held at Myers Park Country Club starting at 6:00 p.m. with a 45-minute cocktail social followed by dinner. After dinner remarks are enjoyed from the club's guest speaker for the evening.  The 2022 - 2023 Season will be held at other facilities while MPCC is under renovation.


The bylaws of the Sportsman's Club of Charlotte limit membership to 250 members. Membership is held at the 250 level in order that the club can meet at a prominent upscale location, and average attendance for meetings is in the 175-200 member range. The dress code for regular meetings require a jacket, button down collared shirt, and slacks. Our annual Ladies Night event is our premiere meeting of the year and thus coat and tie are required.  Traditionally, the club maintains a waiting list of new member applicants, as interest in the Sportsman's Club has remained strong for decades.

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